Why Sky?
Try us once and you'll quickly discover the Sky Advantage. In addition to a great selection of quality exterior building supplies for residential and commercial projects, we provide expert assistance with everything from choosing the right kind of materials to color matching.
Collectively we have over 50 years of experience with construction and working with building materials. We've gained a wealth of knowledge on how to select the perfect material for the demands of each unique project. But, equally important is the knowledge we've gained about the building process and the importance of staying on schedule. We know a delay in schedule will cost our customers more in the long run, so we strive to provide top-notch customer service during every step of the building or remodeling process. We give personal attention to each customer and anticipate challenges before they have a chance to become a problem that can hinder the project's progress. It is not uncommon for us to meet with customers over the weekend, or make on-site deliveries after hours – just a sample of what we do to keep our client's projects on schedule.
Our expertise makes us the go-to solution for contractors, custom builders, architects, interior decorators and do-it-yourselfers, providing them with technical assistance or expert advice. Our customers can count on us to answer technical questions and help solve problems that might arise during the building process.
The Sky Advantage
- Large selection of in-stock materials
- Expert consultation
- On-time delivery
- Color matching
- Material placement
- Technical assistance & problem solving
- Free delivery
- Custom shapes
- Quality supplies